miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2008

Seguimos bailando


Ésta es la madre de todos los himnos, el pedazo de canción que me tiene hipnotizada desde hace semanas. Y eso que la he descubierto hace poco entre mis recientes recopilaciones de northern pero.. uauuu.... es imposible no bailarla.

Entre un día de 43 grados y otro de viento insoportable, los días van pasando, voy ultimando mis tareas cotidianas para preparar mi escapada norteña y entre col y col, me echo unos bailecitos con esto. Sirva también para recordar que en octubre tenemos de nuevo dance competition y teniendo en cuenta que la del 12 de abril la empezamos a preparar el 23 de diciembre, podemos decir que se nos echa el tiempo encima... Como muestra, este malísimo vídeo de youtube en el que lo que importan son los pasos de baile y, cómo no, el temazo.

Con ustedes, la historia de la mujer que salvó y acogió a una serpiente y acabó muriendo por besarla, pese a que ella sabía que su mordisco sería venenoso y letal. Por el calor asfixiante y porque hay que bailar para quemar tensiones. :)

On her way to work one morning
Down the path along side the lake
A tender hearted woman saw a poor half frozen snake
His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew
"Oh well," she cried, "I'll take you in and I'll take care of you"
"Take me in oh tender woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman," sighed the snake

She wrapped him up all cozy in a curvature of silk
And then laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk
Now she hurried home from workthat night as soon as she arrived
She found that pretty snake she'd taking in had been revived
"Take me in, oh tender woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman," sighed the snake

Now she clutched him to her bosom, "You're so beautiful," she cried
"But if I hadn't brought you in by now you might have died"
Now she stroked his pretty skin and then she kissed and held him tight
But instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite
"Take me in, oh tender woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman," sighed the snake

"I saved you," cried that woman
"And you've bit me even, why?
You know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die"
"Oh shut up, silly woman," said the reptile with a grin
"You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in
"Take me in, oh tender woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman," sighed the snake

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